39 research outputs found

    Distribución y uso de modelos 3D en la web: ¿estamos listos?

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    [EN] Digital technologies are now mature for producing high quality digital replicas of Cultural Heritage (CH) assets. The research results produced in the last decade ignitedan impressive evolution and consolidation of the technologies for acquiring high-quality digital three-dimensional (3D)models, encompassing both geometry and color. What remains still an open problem is how to deliver those data and related knowledge to our society. The web is nowadays the main channel for the dissemination of knowledge. Emerging commercial solutions for web-publishing of 3D data are consolidating and becoming a de-facto standard for many applications(e-commerce, industrial products, education, etc.).In this framework, CH is a very specific domain, requiring highly flexible solutions. Some recent experiences arepresented, aimed at providing a support to the archival of archaeological3Ddata, supporting web-based publishing of very high-resolution digitization results and finally enabling the documentation of complex restoration actions. All those examples have been recently implemented on the open-source 3D Heritage Online Presenter (3DHOP)platform, developed at CNR-ISTI[ES] Las tecnologías digitales estánahora maduraspara producir réplicas digitales de alta calidad de valores activos del patrimonio cultural (CH). Los resultados de la investigación producidos en la última década han mostrado una evolución impresionante y una consolidación de las tecnologías para la capturade modelos digitales tridimensionales (3D)de alta calidad, que abarcanla geometríay el color.Lo que queda aún por resolver estárelacionado con la forma de distribuirlos datos y el conocimiento relacionado conla sociedad. La web es hoy en día el principal canal utilizado para divulgarel conocimiento. Las soluciones comerciales nuevas relacionadas con la publicación en la red de datos en 3D se están consolidando y convirtiendo en un estándar de facto para muchas aplicaciones(comercio electrónico, productos industriales, educación, etc.). En este escenario, el patrimonio culturales un dominio muy específico, que requiere soluciones muyflexibles.Se presentan algunas experiencias recientes, destinadasa proporcionar un apoyo al archivo de los datos arqueológicos3D, la publicaciónwebde los resultados de digitalización de muy alta resoluciónque permitenfinalmente la documentación de trabajos de restauracióncomplejos. Todos estos ejemplos se han implementado recientemente en la plataforma 3D Heritage Online Presenter(3DHOP)de código abierto, desarrolladaen el CNR-ISTI.The research leading to these results has received funding from the EU 7th Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no. 654119 (EC "PARTHENOS" project) and EU H2020 Programme (“EMOTIVE: EMOTIve Virtual cultural Experiences through personalized storytelling”, H2020-SC6-CULT-COOP-08-2016) under grant agreement no. 727188.Scopigno, R.; Callieri, M.; Dellepiane, M.; Ponchio, F.; Potenziani, M. (2017). Delivering and using 3D models on the web: are we ready?. Virtual Archaeology Review. 8(17):1-9. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2017.6405SWORD1981

    Interactive Out-of-core Visualization of Very Large Landscapes on Commodity Graphics Platforms

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    We recently introduced an efficient technique for out-of-core rendering and management of large textured landscapes. The technique, called Batched Dynamic Adaptive Meshes (BDAM), is based on a paired tree structure: a tiled quadtree for texture data and a pair of bintrees of small triangular patches for the geometry. These small patches are TINs that are constructed and optimized off-line with high quality simplification and tristripping algorithms. Hierarchical view frustum culling and view-dependendent texture/geometry refinement is performed at each frame with a stateless traversal algorithm that renders a continuous adaptive terrain surface by assembling out of core data. Thanks to the batched CPU/GPU communication model, the proposed technique is not processor intensive and fully harnesses the power of current graphics hardware. This paper summarizes the method and discusses the results obtained in a virtual flythrough over a textured digital landscape derived from aerial imaging.21-2

    Planet-Sized Batched Dynamic Adaptive Meshes (P-BDAM)

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    This paper describes an efficient technique for out-of-core management and interactive rendering of planet sized textured terrain surfaces. The technique, called planet-sized batched dynamic adaptive meshes (P-BDAM), extends the BDAM approach by using as basic primitive a general triangulation of points on a displaced triangle. The proposed framework introduces several advances with respect to the state of the art: thanks to a batched host-to-graphics communication model, we outperform current adaptive tessellation solutions in terms of rendering speed; we guarantee overall geometric continuity, exploiting programmable graphics hardware to cope with the accuracy issues introduced by single precision floating points; we exploit a compressed out of core representation and speculative prefetching for hiding disk latency during rendering of out-of-core data; we efficiently construct high quality simplified representations with a novel distributed out of core simplification algorithm working on a standard PC network.147-15

    Neural reflectance transformation imaging

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    Reflectance transformation imaging (RTI) is a computational photography technique widely used in the cultural heritage and material science domains to characterize relieved surfaces. It basically consists of capturing multiple images from a fixed viewpoint with varying lights. Handling the potentially huge amount of information stored in an RTI acquisition that consists typically of 50\u2013100RGB values per pixel, allowing data exchange, interactive visualization, and material analysis, is not easy. The solution used in practical applications consists of creating \u201crelightable images\u201d by approximating the pixel information with a function of the light direction, encoded with a small number of parameters. This encoding allows the estimation of images relighted from novel, arbitrary lights, with a quality that, however, is not always satisfactory. In this paper, we present NeuralRTI, a framework for pixel-based encoding and relighting of RTI data. Using a simple autoencoder architecture, we show that it is possible to obtain a highly compressed representation that better preserves the original information and provides increased quality of virtual images relighted from novel directions, especially in the case of challenging glossy materials. We also address the problem of validating the relight quality on different surfaces, proposing a specific benchmark, SynthRTI, including image collections synthetically created with physical-based rendering and featuring objects with different materials and geometric complexity. On this dataset and as well on a collection of real acquisitions performed on heterogeneous surfaces, we demonstrate the advantages of the proposed relightable image encoding

    3DHOP una piattaforma flessibile per la pubblicazione e visualizzazione su Web dei risultati di digitalizzazioni 3D

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    3DHOP (3D Heritage Online Presenter) is an innovative technological solution for the advanced presentation of high-resolution 3D content on the Web. The design of this tool has been focused towards the Cultural Heritage (CH) field, even though its versatility makes it a general-purpose instrument. 3DHOP is particularly suitable for the online presentation of CH artifacts due to its main features: the capability to efficiently stream high-resolution 3D models (as the ones coming from 3D scanning which are usually employed in CH); the possibility to build integrated presentations schemes by interconnecting the viewer to the rest of web pages elements; and, finally, the ready-to-use templates and examples of configuration focused towards CH applications. In its design and development, we put particular attention on three factors: easiness of use, smooth learning curve and performances. 3DHOP is written in JavaScript and it uses the WebGL subset of HTML5 for efficient rendering. Thanks to its modular nature, and a declarative-like setup, it is easy to learn and may be configured and customized at different levels, making it accessible for people without skilled knowledge in Computer Graphics (CG) programming. In this paper we present capabilities and characteristics of the third release of this tool, using some examples based on real-world projects

    Interactive Rendering of Dynamic Geometry

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    Fluid simulations typically produce complex three-dimensional iso-surfaces whose geometry and topology change over time. The standard way of representing such “dynamic geometry” is by a set of iso-surfaces that are extracted individually at certain time steps. An alternative strategy is to represent the whole sequence as a four-dimensional tetrahedral mesh. The iso-surface at a specific time step can then be computed by intersecting the tetrahedral mesh with a three-dimensional hyperplane. This not only allows to animate the surface continuously over time without having to worry about the topological changes, but also enables simplification algorithms to exploit temporal coherence. We show how to interactively render such four-dimensional tetrahedral meshes by improving previous GPU-accelerated techniques and building an out-of-core multi-resolution structure based on quadric-error simplification. As a second application we apply our framework to time-varying surfaces that result from morphing one triangle mesh into another